A little history about yours truly!

We are a Jamaican husband and wife team, one born and bred in Jamaica and the other British born with Jamaican heritage!

Through out our marriage Jamaican food has played an important part in our lives, whether it’s been cooking for a party, or a big Sunday family dinner, there is no doubt where you would find us- in the kitchen, music bouncing off the walls and drinks flowing.

Cooking Jamaican dishes is second nature to us: it makes no difference whether we’re cooking for 5 or 100 people, the taste never changes! It always tastes SWEEEEET!

Friends and family have always suggested that we open some kind of restaurant but family commitments etc always got in the way.

With everyone always asking for our recipes and us always being the ones cooking in the kitchen at every occasion, we came up with the idea of Likkle More Seasonings.

After hours of sitting in the kitchen bickering over how much spices go into the seasonings etc, we finally came up with the perfect way of giving you the chance to make our gorgeous curry dishes in your own kitchen, and Likkle More Seasonings was born!

Our motto is
life is sweeter with Likkle More Seasonings and once you taste them for yourselves you will not disagree!